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Posts posted by August

  1. I hope I do this right as I am new, this is my second time to log onto ARC, so here goes... If its not right please let me know so I can learn for next time.... I am currently looking for a false Persula clownfish... my male lost his female as she commited suicide out of the tank when someone left the lid up... :) All he does now is hide very rarely do you see him... Also looking for other peaceful saltwater fish (gobies, bleenies, damsels, star fish, cleaning crew....) willing to pay but I am not rich by any means... everything I have I have been lucky to get. currently my tank has one false persula clown, lawnmower bleenie, 2 zebra damsels, 3 peppermint shrimp, and a handful of hermits and snails. Also looking for emerald or Anenome crabs and anenomes....might possibly be willing to trade some of my live rock... Its cured 6yr old fiji rock.. too much in tank about 100lbs for a 40gal.

    Thanks everyone!!!feel free to message me

  2. Welcome Orlando.... I am new to ARC just joined today!! Mama turned me onto it after I found her wonderful critters for sale on CL.... I hope to learn lots on here and it seems like this place is a wonderful network of friends and people!!!! Hello EVERYONE!!!

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