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Posts posted by Jakedoza

  1. My RO unit is in the garage.. when I need it I hook it to the garden hose and fill my tubs.. those are in the garage as well.. I then pump water as needed to my tank which is on the other side of the wall..

  2. Not to be a stick in the mud, but I'm not voting. None of these are aquarium related, and according to the rules the contest photo has to be aquarium related. I have tons of Island photos that I could have entered... I actually went to an Island and got my photo... guess I was too late. This is a frogfish that I saw while scuba diving in Cozumel this past week.

    I'm sure all of us who submitted photos could have also posted a pic of the life off of the 'Island' we visited white snorkeling/scuba diving as well.

    But since the topic wasn't 'life in the ocean off the coast of an island' and simply 'island', we posted the best pics of the islands we were on.

    And how is your photo from the ocean aquarium related? Shouldnt we all just take pics of the stuff we have in our tanks and guess which 'island' it was caught off? That way we are for sure following the 'rules'.

    Hopefully next month the topic will be 'pictures of frogfish in the ocean off of Cozumel' and then you will be able to submit your picture, and it will be PERFECT!


    I'm not trying to be rude or start something. I'm simply stating what the rules state. Heck, I'm a photographer. I could come up with tons of stuff not aquarium related that can go with some of the contest topics.. The point is, that none of these photos adhere to the rules of the contest. My photo is related because I asked about it before hand.


  3. Some photos I took while snorkeling in Grand Cayman and diving in Cozumel this past week. These were taken with a point and shoot canon A520 camera.

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    This is a Frogfish that is only found in Cozumel. Luckily I got to see one.

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    Giant Grouper.. The smaller fish around it are about 4-6in long.

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    This is the first sea turtle I have ever seen while diving.. It was pretty cool. It swam in circles for a bit and then swam of.. or flew off.. it was cool.

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    Sea Cucumber? It was huge.

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    Before I saw this eel I saw a green Moray eat a spider crab.. It happened so fast I couldn't get a photo. It was kinda scary since it happened about 4 feet from me..

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    This guy was in about 6 feet of water at Grand Cayman. I was snorkeling when I saw him.

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  4. Not to be a stick in the mud, but I'm not voting. None of these are aquarium related, and according to the rules the contest photo has to be aquarium related. I have tons of Island photos that I could have entered... I actually went to an Island and got my photo... guess I was too late. This is a frogfish that I saw while scuba diving in Cozumel this past week.

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  5. I think of it as a gift from my dad, but I'd rather he still be here. He has been out of my life since I was 7 and I am now 31, married and have a child of my own on the way. Not a day goes by that I do not think of him. Life is short, so I am going to make the most of mine. :huh:

  6. yeah, that is the same thing I have heard from everyone that has used the alien bees. I mentioned I was about to drop 2k-3k on lighting and the guy at precision actually talked me down to the Elinchroms from the profotos.. When I asked him why he said simply.. they are more affordable.. I asked him why that was.. he stood there a second and said.. I'm still trying to figure that out. As far as he knows from experience, the Elinchroms perform just as well as the Profotos.

    I had to go ahead and drop the extra dough on the 2.8 for the sports and low light weddings that I shoot. I swayed between ver 1 or 2 since there was quite a bit of a price difference, but Canon totally revamped the Image Stabilization in the new lens.. I can literally shake the camera and the image does not move at 200mm WITH the 2X extender on it.. freaking awesome!

  7. I first looked at the Alien bees, but after careful review and opinions from people who have had personal experience with them... They are just not consistent enough for what I need. As far as the White lightning.. I have no information on them.

  8. I do have the 580ex II flash that I would recommend to anyone looking for a hotshoe flash for their canon. I am looking at Elinchroms BX 500 Ri togo set as a mobile unit for my in home studio as well as on-sites.

    The 100mm 2.8 macro is also on my list as well. Funny thing is that the Sigma 50MM 1.4 actually performs better than the canon for far less money. (slrgear.com). I'm not sure about the 24mm though. That one you may want to hold out for.

    The 5D MK2 actually shoots better than the EOS 1D cameras. That is one reason I am looking at it. The 7D is the 3rd in line behind the 5d MK2 and the EOS 1D cameras for 1k less than the 5D. I'm leaning WAY towards the 5D.. I mean 1k extra for a camera that out performs an EOS 1D camera system.. no question. :wave:

  9. those are pretty much all I will ever need, with the exception of a couple of different primes for portraits. I have a 50mm 1.8 as well that I like to shoot with. I have a Canon EF 70-300mm 3.8-5.6 IS that I will be selling and I also have a 28-135mm 3.5 5.6 IS USM that I will hang on to.. Sigma and Tamron makes some ok lenses for Canon, in fact there are a couple that are better than canons. check out slrgear.com for some awesome lens reviews.

    The 40D is a great camera, but I'm wanting another body for when I do weddings. Its a PITA to have to change lenses to get a shot. I'd rather just grab my other body and shoot with two cameras.

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