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Alright, something spawned.


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A few seconds after lights out tonight I went over to the tank with my flashlight as I like to do and instantly noticed something was different. The water looked "gritty" and cloudy white. Then I noticed something else, spots that seemed to be phototropic-all wiggling towards the light. I realized that my tank was covered in these straight little lines about 1/8" long. Large enough to be clearly seen with the eye. The bodies had a slight bulge about where the "head" might be as that end was up and directional. The good end had what appeared to be at least one tiny cilia like device that offered propulsion. I think there might actually be two of these filaments that shimmer back and forth for this movement. The body was a whitish color but not really white. Think more of a pearlescent prism kind of shine instead of a solid color of white. If you've ever had a barnacle wave at you in your tank you will know what the filaments looked like. They streak up about 2" and then suddenly stop and float for about 60 seconds before doing this again.

So of course no pictures as the batteries in the camera proved to be dis-functional. Not even sure if they would show up with my set up. There were so many in a 75g that it made it difficult to see through. Obviously it is coral buffet field day. The many blue spot jawfish are out and snapping up a few. The damsels and tangs are not interested. Not sure how many will make it through the skimmer but we will see. They are large enough to fend I would guess. I picked up about 100 in my turkey baster and transferred them to my fuge. I cannot think of what they would be. My guesses would center around shrimp. I have about 10 pistol shrimp and 3 peppermint shrimp. I'd love them to be blue spot jawfish larvae but that is only wishful thinking, at least I do have enough to breed.

Anyone want to take some guesses or do you know of any neat "larvae sites"?

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