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FREE!!!! Devil's Hand Leather


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My devil's hand leather has gone nuts recently and has been kicking off quarter size clones. Needless to say I don't need leathers popping up all over my tank, and I don't want to throw them away either. So I have decided to give them away. I have approx. five frags that are free to any takers. These are free, but if you want to kick a frag my way I won't have any problem accepting. That is up to you though, I just need them gone so come and get them. This a great coral for beginners, and does reasonably well under just about any lights.

Obviously, this is a FTS, but you can at least see what it looks like.


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I would love to take one from you, but I don't know if my lights are strong enough for it. I have the 4 bulb Current USA Sundial T5 light. They're 96watts all together in my 29 gallon tank. Let me know if you think they'll survive under that light, because I've read they take alot of light. My current flow is very high (1600 gph+)

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I would love to have one. Let me know when I can stop by. Are you looking for anything in particular as far as a trade?

Just about anything other than softies. LMK what you got. Either way you are welcome to a frag.

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medi - still starting up my tank don't have anything to trade, but i will pay it forward when the tanks up and running if i can grab one as well.

Sure come on by and pick one up.

Also, Since I am giving this away I am not going to hold this for anyone. It is going to be a first come first serve basis. I have had several PMs about this, and I wish I could facilitate everyone, but obviously I am limited on frags. I won't be available until Thursday evening and all day Friday for pick up.

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