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some idears for livestock????


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Well my tanks been up for about a week now. Im not ready for livestok for a while but id like to start getting ideas for some additions since ill now have an extra 45g to play with. Id like to add another tang maybe however i allready have one and dont want any confrontation same with the coral beauty id love a flame or bi color angel but again dont want any problems. I thought of a fuzzy dwarf lion but i think that might make lunch of my goby? Any ideas... must be reef safe too I currently have

coral beauty

2 black percs

dispar anthias

neon goby

regal tang... i know my 55 is to small for a tang but hes still a baby and will be in the 90 soon

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I hate to tell you but a 90 is too small for the Regal as well. A common mistake many make, and I have made in the past as well, is thinking that a fish is small now and I will move him when he gets too big. The problem is a fish doesn't necessarily know it is small. If a fish, like a Tang, is one that needs lots of swimming room it needs that room whether it is large or small. Tangs are traveling fish so they swim more distance than most of the other reef fish. That is why they are better off in a bigger tank. Certain Tangs are better than others. Kole Tangs, Bristle Tooth, and Tomini Tangs are ones that are smaller and can get by in a smaller tank. Regals get over 18".

Sorry to go on a rant but I feel it is something that gets overlooked in this hobby. There are plenty of really cool fish other than Tangs that are more suited to being kept in a tank. Check out some of the Fairy Wrasses.

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I hate to tell you but a 90 is too small for the Regal as well. A common mistake many make, and I have made in the past as well, is thinking that a fish is small now and I will move him when he gets too big. The problem is a fish doesn't necessarily know it is small. If a fish, like a Tang, is one that needs lots of swimming room it needs that room whether it is large or small. Tangs are traveling fish so they swim more distance than most of the other reef fish. That is why they are better off in a bigger tank. Certain Tangs are better than others. Kole Tangs, Bristle Tooth, and Tomini Tangs are ones that are smaller and can get by in a smaller tank. Regals get over 18".

Sorry to go on a rant but I feel it is something that gets overlooked in this hobby. There are plenty of really cool fish other than Tangs that are more suited to being kept in a tank. Check out some of the Fairy Wrasses.

haha its ok i dont mind at all. Id rather hear what i need to know than get into a situation where im housing a large fish. Ive looked at a few wrases and will prolly get one i made sure to make about a 3" sand bed to prepare for one in the future. how much luck do you think id have if i introduced a new angel at the time i move my fish to the new tank? What about the fuzzy dwarf?

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A fuzzy dwarf will eat anything it can fit in its mouth. The Angel could be hit or miss. Introducing them both at the same time would be the safest bet in my opinion.

yeah im almost certain a fuzzy would eat my goby. i may try another angel but im unsure because my coral beauty is very aggressive

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