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My PC runs on Vista right now. I ordered a very nice RC place simulator from the manufacturer of my planes as I'd like to purchase a few more of their planes and this is about the nicest way to get a feel for them, it even interfaces with my current radio. Problem is I'm computer illiterate. When it arrived I went ahead and loaded it to the hard drive, all went well. Next day I tried to open it, all it did was make a blip and then go back to my regular home page. I then read the specs, it was designed to run on Windows XP. Well the PC isn't on XP. I also noted that my video card was crapola and not adequate. After asking around I was reassured that most anything that was written for XP will run on Vista, I went out and bought a new video card. Nothing. It still will not load and play through.

So what do you know? Must it run on XP? Am I screwed? Are there any "magical" downloads that will allow my Vista to recognize the file? Do I need to reformat my PC and load XP? If so can anyone help me out?

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try to right click on the icon.then select properties.then click the "compatability" tab.then put a check in the box next to run in windows xp with sp2 mode.then click apply and ok.i have never used this feature,but that is supposedly what it is there for.

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try to right click on the icon.then select properties.then click the "compatability" tab.then put a check in the box next to run in windows xp with sp2 mode.then click apply and ok.i have never used this feature,but that is supposedly what it is there for.

Did all that, tried every windows option. In fact I did that days ago in a futile attempt. I also found a "fix" from the manufacturer that did not work. It entailed unloading the copy, then I had to set video performance to "adjust for best performance" and unlock "user account control" in the control panel. Then I had to reload it all. 2 hours of loading 4 disks and ........... nothing. I then downloaded their latest patches hoping it might have some code in it that would help it work...... still will not load. I was really hoping that $70 I spent on a new video card would have fixed it since my old card was not up to the task.

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virtual machine should work if the system has enough disc space and ram to pull it off. does the software have any kind of log files or logging that can be enabled to help you see where the fault may be?

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Reybeast I have no idea what you are talking about.

I downloaded the virtual machine, watched about 10 minutes of Windows Vista propaganda, opened the file and created a "new machine on XP". When I open that all that I see is a black screen with a few sentences and some sort of spinning icon. I let it spin for about 10 minutes before I gave up. I don't know what to do with my new machine. I guess I had hoped it would open just like my normal home page and I could just click on the FSone icon.

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I downloaded the virtual machine, watched about 10 minutes of Windows Vista propaganda, opened the file and created a "new machine on XP". When I open that all that I see is a black screen with a few sentences and some sort of spinning icon. I let it spin for about 10 minutes before I gave up. I don't know what to do with my new machine. I guess I had hoped it would open just like my normal home page and I could just click on the FSone icon.

Sounds like it's Hammer time. =D

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The more I think about it, a virtual machine may not work. If the controller has any USB connections they will not respond in a VM. Have you tried calling the software place and see if they have workarounds?

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Not open until Tuesday, Monday is a recognized Holiday.

I may breaky breaky this machine long before that point.

Yes it uses a USB interface to my radio, it's just like flying your RC model. Supposedly it's freaky realistic with the amount of data and data crunching going on. Not only do they adjust with aerodynamics and engine performances but the claim is that even subtle differences in prop washout are calculated.

But alas we may never know.

Anyone got a decent PC on the cheap? I saw a nice Dell XPS minus a hard drive and Windows. I should be able to pick up an 80g drive on the super cheap and I saw some Craigslist ads for XP at $50 a disc and verification. Looks like i could have a machine for around $200. Is that the best way?

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lets take a step back and start with some basics. The simulator probably needs a specific video resolution to run at and may have a maximum, ex 1024x768. most systems that are capable of running Vista can run at high resolutions. what resolution does the program require, the manual should state this. Then, what resolution is system system running at? In Vista, use the help to see how to change the display settings to what the simulator needs

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I just smashed the machine instead.

OK no. Late last night the Misses and I paired up with her laptop and this machine. She searched for every other "buggy FSone with Vista" and relayed the "cures" to me. Between the 2 of us we downloaded every Vista patch we could find, every Vista service pack available and then manually loaded every driver for the video card we could find. Then right around Midnight it all clicked and the simulator fired off.

Thanks for the ideas.

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Beyond realistic. It's scary nice. My only complaint is that "I" get lost. Once the plane is off the ground it is difficult to judge your location against the plane's. You must keep the place near the ground to assess it's location. When it is in the air you can do all kinds of maneuvers, you can even rip the wings from most of the planes if you roll or bank with to much force. The crashes are neat as each one is different. It's not a "standard" crash scene over and over. I clipped a fence with a bi-plane and lost the right bottom wing. The model continued to fly but was seriously impaired. I flew it for about 4 minutes before letting it go.

There are about 2 dozen planes, electric, nitro, 2 stroke and 4 stroke, and even a few ducted fan (jet) engine planes. There are about 14 helicopters from electric, nitro, to turbine. It's basically the entire line up of planes offered from Hangar 9 with the recommended motors. Each plane fly's completely different. You can adjust all the trim tabs and can choose from several flying modes, IE: having the servos pick up faster or slower. You can also adjust the size of the models. I'm very happy with it.

Shoot me a PM and I'll let you come by and fly it.

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