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Trip to Port A this weekend?


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I'm bored to death with several weeks off from work. With the great weather I was thinking of driving to Port A Friday, collect, camp at the State Park, collect some more on Sat and leave Sat afternoon. Anyone feel up to it? Weather is to be about 77F of Sat. Showers on Friday, but no rain at all Sat. I've got everything needed to camp and collect.

Edited by caferacermike
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Collect.. Collect crap. Whatever happens in our nets. Sergeant major damsels by the handful, hermit crabs, rock anemones, coast shrimp, peppermint shrimp, random crabs. Sometimes you can get pipe fish, seahorses, frogfish, triggers, filefish...

No takers? All we'd need to do is split some gas money.

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Crap...my hubby and I would love to, but it's too late to find a dog sitter.

Hey...you wanted my damsels right? I'm going to pick up that fish trap and try catch them this weekend.


Plans are to leave at noon on Sat and return early evening Sunday. Stay at Goose Island. Anyone?
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Your choice of MSR MuthaHubba or Walrus Zoid2.0 tent, REI inflating mats, sleeping bags, folding chair, Petromax lanterns, 5g buckets, portable air bubblers, seines, dip nets, Pelican submersible dive lights, and 6 vegetarian MRE's with heat pouches.

And seriously FP, do they even have 5 star hotels in PA?

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We should try to plan something with a small group in the near future. I went for the MAAST trip and I had a blast. I haven't gone camping since before I moved to Texas in 97. I just need a couple weeks notice so I can get someone to let the dogs out...and make sure we can some camping gear from a friend of ours.


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Wow really? I heard that the MAAST outing was a total let down this year. Ever Since Steve, BigBird, began dictating not 1, not 2, not even 3, but yes 4, 4 saltwater forums that his summer event went bust. About 2 years ago was the best one they had at Tarpon Inn. I heard they couldn't even fill the rooms at a smaller place, and that everyone hated the hotel. Not to mention the fun they had when the police showed up at 3:00am waking most of the hotel, that is those that weren't already awake due to the fighting in the rooms.

This is why I prefer just running down there whenever, without making it a huge 4 forum awkward event. Had a blast renting a house down there 2 months ago and fishing from my 400' private pier.

But yeah if it was a local, ARC type event, I'd totally help put it together.

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I should have said that the collecting was fun LOL. We were the ones that called the police. The fighters were in the room above us and one tried to come in our room at 2a.m. They got kicked out the next day...we were going to leave if they didn't. The bonfire was a flop...person that planned it never showed up. There was no communication and it was hard for us first timers to get any information out about where things were suppose to happen, etc. I was posting with a couple other members to the forum asking what was happening...while we were there.

We wouldn't have picked a hotel like that either We tend to prefer better quality because we don't get away from home often. That was a bit of a let down...and then the fighting, we were really on edge that night and morning. Saturday night made up for it, but we definitely could have done without all that crap.

Definitely something small...just a post to see if anyone would be interested. Doesn't even really have to be an "event". That was the first time since we moved here that we even drove to the coast...so it was nice to see the ocean.


Wow really? I heard that the MAAST outing was a total let down this year. Ever Since Steve, BigBird, began dictating not 1, not 2, not even 3, but yes 4, 4 saltwater forums that his summer event went bust. About 2 years ago was the best one they had at Tarpon Inn. I heard they couldn't even fill the rooms at a smaller place, and that everyone hated the hotel. Not to mention the fun they had when the police showed up at 3:00am waking most of the hotel, that is those that weren't already awake due to the fighting in the rooms.

This is why I prefer just running down there whenever, without making it a huge 4 forum awkward event. Had a blast renting a house down there 2 months ago and fishing from my 400' private pier.

But yeah if it was a local, ARC type event, I'd totally help put it together.

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