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For Sale - 125g Full Reef Tank Setup


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I’m selling my 125g full setup. This full tank setup has everything you need to get started, including a $750 RCA livestock credit to stock your new reef tank! This is a beautiful piece of furniture that will look fantastic in your home.


I want to sell everything together, so I’m not splitting up pieces at this time.


I sold all my corals, and have been running it as a FOWLR tank. I've attached a video so you can see the live rock.


Price $2000 - including $750 credit


125 g All-Glass reef tank

Beautiful stained custom cabinet and hood (40” tall cabinet for the best view)

Very nice deep purple live rock (maybe 100lbs?) - Fiji and other types

3x OceanRevive Full Spectrum LED lights (separate actinic and white channels)

Reef Octopus Classic 202-S 8" Skimmer

Large acrylic sump

Jebao OW-50 and RW-8 wavemakers

Dart Return Pump

All overflow & return plumbing included (w/ valves and bulkheads)

Herbie method used for silent overflows:




Additional Gear:

Portable refractometer

Alkalinity DKH Colorimeter HI772 Hanna Checker

Jebao DP-4 Dosing pump

BRS 2-Part Dosing Package (almost full)

BRS 2 chamber reactor (for GFO or Carbon)

4 stage RODI System and filters

Auto Top Off and 5gal bucket

Filter bag x2

Magnetic Frag Rack

MagnaFloat glass cleaner

4x 5gal water jugs

Gravel vac tube

Various pumps, buckets, tubes, etc



Large Pacific Blue Tang

Coral Beauty

Talbots Damselfish x2








Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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