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What is this floating in my water?!!?


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It's really hard to tell from the video. They aren't little critters are they? It's odd that suspended particulates would remain in the water column after 3 days, unless a pump is constantly keeping them stirred up and not allowing it to settle out on the bottom of the tank or get filtered out. Are you running any kind of filtration? Is the surface of your water being skimmed off from an overflow box?

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They don't seem to be critters.

I have a foam filter in my between my refurium and my return pump (between the baffles) and yes I have an overflow box skimming the surface and part of the return water breaks the surface as well from my siphon stopper.

I think I am going to replace the foam tonight and see if that helps. My water parameters seem fine.

I think you may be onto something because I have 3 600gph power heads going at all time and a 4th 800gph that turns on when the T5 lights kick on late morning.

Thanks for the help!


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So it looks like they were micro bubbles coming from my return pump.

I did several things and they cleared up.

1. Changed the foam filter between my refugium and return pump section.

2. Raised the water level in the return pump section

3. Redirected 2 powerheads so they weren't pushing towards the top of the water as much.

Thanks for the assistance,


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