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acrylic or glass to avoid spectrum losses


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I made some custom acrylic lids for my aquarium ... keep the jumpers in ... and reduce noise and evaporation too. But seems to me one could cause spectrum losses especially if choose lid material blocks uv. Opinions? Any way to measure light spectrum in marine tanks? Perhaps I could buy the tool and offer a service?

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With glass you have to be careful to not use UV protected glass. I haven't heard of the issue with acrylic, but with both you have to deal with reflection and limiting air exchance on your tank. That's why a lot of people who use covers opt for screen.

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I probably will continue to use a couple of undergravels powered by birthstones as well as the wet dry so the airstones provide air and I need not worry about lids blocking airexchange. Also air pump is battery backed so gravel bio filter and is pretty much insured.

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