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Yellow eye kole and yellow tang


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It looks like both the yellow eye kole tang as well as the yellow tang do ok in 90 gallon tanks. I'm wondering if you could put them both in the same tank? I have a 90 (4 feet long) and I'm not sure if they would try to fight or anything?

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From my experience initially you "shouldn't" have much problem if you quarantine and introduce them together. However I also would expect you to "probably" have problems in 4, 5 or 6 years when they become mature. Individual personality of course will trump my experiences so you may end up with two fish that will live peacefully for the next 30 - 40 years or you may have to rehome one in a few months.

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Should be fine. I had no problem with that combo in my 50 gallon for a few months, which was then transferred to a 90. If they're juveniles I think you can introduce them separately but same time is definitely preferable.

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I had a few Kole and a few yellow at various times in my 90 and at the start of my 230. I found that the Kole tangs are pretty much ignored by the yellow, so I think you'll be fine as long as you don't get a Kole smaller than the yellow.

Kole is still one of my favorite tangs, and is a great algae eater to keep your glass clean.

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