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Junk floating in the display tank


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I seem to have various kinds of junk suspending in my water column in my display tank. Some of it is the normal stuff you see (fish poo, left over food) some is sediment kicked up by my overly powerful and recently replaced power head and some is just stuff that i can't figure out what it is. (white flakes of some kind).

Anyway the problem is that it isn't going away. I have 3 drains dumping into the sump. 2 are open and 1 is closed at the moment. 1 of the open drain lines goes into a sock filter (that needs to be cleaned...) and the other just goes into live rock. Each drain line is 1 inch pvc in the display and 1.5 going into the sump. They all have a maggie muffler. The floating schmutz just seem to get sucked down.

the tank is relatively new, about 4 months wet with just fish in it. Massive protein skimmer that just recently went active and I'm working on getting the carbon and gfi reactors up and running. Right now the plan is for the reactors to pull from and return to the sump. That doesn't seem like it will help my floater problem as that junk never seems to make it into the sump.

any ideas?

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