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Clownfish recommendations?


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I'm starting up a 28g nanocube after a break from the hobby. I'd like to put in a clown pair. Is there a particular species that you would recommend, considering the size constraints and price (nothing too expensive)? I would appreciate any feedback!

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I'm a fan of the classic occelaris clowns, or the snowflake clowns. Once you start getting to solid white and overly speckled it detracts from their beauty in clean lines. Just stay away from the larger clowns like maroon clownfish or clarkii clowns. Both easily get to 6" or more and fairly aggressive

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Slight. They look nearly identical. Occelaris clowns are typically the cheaper captive bred ones. A little heartier and more durable. Just looking at the two it's hard to tell the difference visually

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I prefer the traditional Oscellaris Clowns. If you don't like the orange then you can go for black. They're a passive species and stay small. If you want something different then you may want to look at Pink Skunk Clowns. They are also passive, stay small and host more desirable anemones than Osc. Clowns.

You should stay away from Cinnamon Clowns, which get large and very aggressive. I would also stay away from Maroon Clowns, which are extremely aggressive, get very large, and have a blade that the females are not hesitant to use. Personally, I avoid the designer clowns. They're too expensive, I don't agree with the inbreeding/crossbreeding and they often have defects like gill plates or fins that are not fully formed.

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I am leaning toward the percula over the ocellaris simply because the ones I've seen at the LFS have had much better color. I also like the darker black separating the white bands from the orange. Thanks for the input. Hopefully we'll get some in the next couple of weeks.

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I am leaning toward the percula over the ocellaris simply because the ones I've seen at the LFS have had much better color. I also like the darker black separating the white bands from the orange. Thanks for the input. Hopefully we'll get some in the next couple of weeks.

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This is accurate coloration for normal percula clowns but they have all sorts of variations too. You could also get wild caught black and white oscellaris clowns. They are relatively cheap compared to the designer clowns, they are hardy and will be hosted by BTA's readily in my experience. I also believe perculas will have a darker orange than oscellaris clowns will.

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