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evergrow reef leds


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I have the smaller d120 on my 10 gallon. Clearly a bit much for such a small tank but it was cheaper than buying a smaller light that I wont be able to use if I upgrade tanks.

Imo its pretty heavy.. but built solid. Besides not being controllable I dont see any real flaws. Mine is at like 10% bkues and whites and is crazy bright.

They do make programmable fixtures but I went with the cheapest of the cheap and just plugged each plug into a seperate timer for blues and whites. Very easy to take the stock lenses off as well. And a lot of people have played around with desoldering some of the colors and customizing the light.

Overall I think its awesome for the price. I got the "chinese brand" one from ebay for $85 but its literally the same exact light as the evergrow.. just rebranded



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Depending on what you're growing I'd probably opt for one with a bit wider color selection than just light blue and cool white. Comparably priced units on eBay will contain warm and neutral whites, both ligjt blue and royal blue, and red (some ok) and green (useless). The ones that contain violet (important) are usually a bit more expensive. At any rate one of the 120/165 watt units will be adequate for a 30 gallon

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This one seems to be more like you recommend. Two dimmers:Dimmer one (28PCS LEDS): 8 x Cool White 12,000k, 6 x Neutral White 7500k, 6 x Warm White 3500k, 2 x Red 660nm, 2 x Green 520nm, 4 x Blue 460nm Dimmer two (27PCS LEDS): 7 x Royal Blue 450nm, 20 x Blue 460nm

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I have this similar one on my 20g long tank (30" x 12" x 12"): http://www.ebay.com/itm/Tank-Dimmable-165W-LED-Aquarium-Light-55-3W-Full-Spectrum-Coral-Reef-/301062367748 . It has 4 violets, 2 reds and 2 greens. I think the violets, and the neutral / warm whites are very important if you want to keep SPS. I have it 8" above my water line, and at 60% intensity on the white channel and 75% intensity on the blue channel - 10 hrs a day. So far I am getting amazing growth on some of my SPS including seriatopora, stylophora, and montipora. Zoas are also doing amazing. I am struggling a little with acropora. They haven't died yet, but they aren't growing well or coloring up. It may have more to do with my water paramaters and stability, since its a 6-month old tank.

My tank is 30" wide and at 8" above water level this light leaves shadow areas on two sides (about 5" on each side). I think one of these fixtures does best on a max 24" by 24" footprint tank at the right height (~12" above water level).

Edited by furam28
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