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RCA First Friday After Hours Sale March 7th!

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Here's some stuff that came in earlier this week:

Green Chromis
Red Honey Damsels
Squareback Anthias
Bluespot Jawfish
Bluespot Watchman Gobies
Diamond Gobies
Yellow Watchman Gobies
Green Mandarin Gobies
Lawnmower Blennies
Bicolor Blennies
Banggai Cardinals
Bicolor Angels
Coral Beauty Angels
Yellow Tangs
Kole Tangs
Naso Tangs
Blonde Naso Tangs
Powder Blue Tangs
Blue Rabbitfish
Klein's Butterflies
Copper Banded Butterflies

Nerite Snails
Candy Pistol Shrimp
Hawaiian Feather Dusters

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We have two green bubble tips left. They're tank-raised.

More stuff that came in:

Emperor Angel Juvenile
Atlantic Pygmy Angels
Blue Angel
Spanish Hogfish
Walking Batfish
Splendid Garden Eels
Canary Blennies
Black Tribal Blennies
Pakistan Butterfly
Powder Blue Tangs
Purple Queen Anthias
Sixline Wrasses
Red Coris Wrasse
Antenna Watchman Gobies
Gold-head Sleeper Gobies
Blue Gudgeon Gobies
Engineer Gobies
Flurry Ocellaris Clowns
Platinum Percula Clowns
Picasso Percula Clowns
Blacker Ice Ocellaris (Snow variant)
Black Ocellaris (Black variant)
Ocellaris Clowns
Gold Stripe Maroon Clowns
True Percula Clowns
Longhorn Cowfish
Flying Gurnard
Red Spotted Hawkfish
Yellow Spotted Pipefish
Whitenose Pipefish
Hi-Hat Fish
Caribbean Octopus (Vulgaris)
Shark Egg

Tongan Nassirus Snails
Turbo Snails
Astrea Snails
Est Indian Star Snails
Red-legged Hermits
Blue-legged Hermits
Porcelain Crabs
Sally Lightfoot Crabs
Emerald Crabs
Skunk Cleaner Shrimp
Peppermint Shrimp
Red Knobby Starfish
Chocolate Chip Starfish
Pincushion Urchins
Ragged Sea Hares
Lettuce Nudibranchs
Gold Maxima Clams
Flame Scallops

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