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Nitrate needs of macros


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Since adding macros, my nitrates have dropped from 20 to 5ppm and ammonia is up from 0 to .25. I am assuming that more nitrate is on the way, with the ammonia spike. Should I wait and retest? How long should I wait to see? Should I add a supplement so my macros don't starve?



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i don't know why your ammonia would go up with adding macro. when i added mine my nitrate also dropped from about 20 ppm to 5 ppm. it has help pretty steady at 5 ppm since and my macro is doing very well. i don't add anything for it, just what gets broken down from the fish and food.

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If you're using an API ammonia test, that's a normal reading for no ammonia. It's almost impossible to have measurable ammonia in an established tank so I would think it's safe to assume it's just a false reading.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I use an API test kit as well and I find it difficult to read. The results are never distrinctly one color or another so you have to guess a lot.

On the macro. What kind did you add? A macro that is decaying may raise ammonia.

Macros are photosynthetic so most of their food comes from the light. Ther "fertilizer" will come from the fish and the leftover food.

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