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Coral frag packs

Mr Cob

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Can do some frag packs as follows...

5 frags/items for $100 +flat rate shipping
11 frags/items for $200 +flat rate shipping
17 frags/items for $299+ free shipping and free REEF BUDDY

Here are the frags and items you can pack together:

Alien Eyes
Large Green Gigantis Palys
AOG palys
Cat Eyes palys
Purple Death palys
Captain America palys
10k Golds zoas
Black Hole Sun zoas
Bazooka Joe Chalice (1 eye)
Purple/Pink Chalice
Alien Eye Chalice
Rainbow Acan Echinata
Aussie Blasto
Mohawk Zoa
Yellow Monster paly (1 polyp)
Bag of Live Rotifers
Flaming Sun zoas (1 polyp)
Candy Apple palys (1 polyp)

Hollywood Stunner Chalice
The REEF BUDDY - Coral Caddy by MCC

I will also let you substitute 2 items to get one sml Snowflake clownfish or 3 items to get one small DaVinci clownfish grade B.

Samples of a lot of the mother colonies can be seen on my site: www.mrcobscorals.com

Some sample pics...

Candy Apples


Purple Deaths


Hollywood Stunner Chalice


Bazooka Joe Chalice


Captain America palys


Live Rotifers

The REEF BUDDY - Coral Caddy by MCC


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