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I stopped by a LFS store today and bought 2 scissortail gobies. They're an awesome powder blue in the lights. They were the last 2 in the tank. I was told that they're schooling fish, and there had been about a dozen, and he preferred to sell them in groups. Liveaquaria.com says they'll fight with their own kind unless they're a mated pair. Since mine never seem to be more than a couple of inches apart, is it possible that I have a mated pair?

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I wouldn't add another. You would be risking a battle. By introducing the 2 at the same time, neither had a territory. Now any new fish would be encroaching on the existing ones territory. I know it is easy to impute our emotions on our pets, but I am pretty sure fish don't get lonely. Sorry for your loss.

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I wondered how he'd handle a new friend, since the other one was a tankmate at the LFS. He comes out and eats and seems fine, but he hides the rest of the time. I just don't have really good luck with fish bought from LFS. :(

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My friend has three of them and when they get big 2yr old , they look like mini eels. They hid on him for 4 days without coming out for food when he first purchase them. Just be patient and they will come out . Good luck!


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