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whats going on with my favia?


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So I've had this favia for a while. Probably 8 months or so. Started as two little heads on a rock the size of a grape. Glued the rock down to a bigger one, and it's been growing. Here are two pics. One was taken about 4 months ago. You can see on the right side, the color of the flesh is a little light colored. It kinda started growing odd right there. The rest has encrusted and been growing and eating nicely. But over time that little light spot you see on the right has gotten bigger and bigger. It looks like a big tumor. There's no skeleton under it. It kinda wobbles in the current. It's not an overnight thing either, so it's not a food related thing I don't think. It's been happening gradually. Second pic is today. Never seen anything like it. It doesnt resemble any pathogen I've heard of or seen pictures of. Do favias get tumors? Or have the propensity to have funny odd growth? What can I expect to come of this section? Should i take some scissors and trim it off? Let it go and see what happens?



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Looks like "polyp bailout". Not serious. Caused By stress of some sort, but it's not too big of a deal. I know my water parameters are good. My tank is as stable as Stonehinge. Maybe a crab pissed it off or something. It should heal up in time. Just glad it's not caused by a pathogen or some sort of disease.

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