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Where's my goby?


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I picked up the little clown goby last Friday. She swam around the tank a little bit, but the basslet and tomato clown were being pretty mean. Last I saw she was heading for a rock pile to hide, and I haven't seen her since. I've looked and looked, but can't find her. Of couse, I have enough caves for her to hide in, but could it be that she only comes out at night?

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Well, I had to make an emergency trip to Dallas yesterday and have not had time to work on it. I just got in a few hours ago. I can tell you that the viruses and malware are gone from the system drive. I just need to reload everything and get it back to you. Sorry for the delay.


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Still no sign of the goby. And my little blue neon has been gone for about 2 weeks. I don't have anything that eats fish. The most agressive thing I have is a hermit crab (shell is about 1" long). I have to resuce tiny hermits and snails from him all the time. Would he be killing my fish? My cleaner shrimp is getting pretty big. Could it be him?

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It depends on the type of hermit crab. There are many types that get that size. Some are reef safe and some aren't. If it not your typical "scarlet reef hermit crab" I would get rid of it, especially since you've seen it picking on other crabs and snails.

I think the gobies are just hiding.

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