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3 new articles at ReefCleaners.org

John Maloney

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Many of you will be familiar with the two traps explained in these short articles, (soda bottle, tupperware ramp) but the questions come up often enough I felt I should add something to the website.

How to Trap a Fish

How to Trap a Crab

The sterilization article explains the process of cleaning something that doesn't have living things in it that you want to keep.

Sterilization for Aquariums

We also added a "comment" feature for the articles to the website, it doesn't require an account with us or facebook. Posting questions to us there helps us fill out the info we are missing.

Hope you like the new changes, and the articles are useful. Will roll out more articles next week.

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Tried a water bottle no luck. Switched to a powerade bottle and caught my clown twice and a blenny once. Shrimp get close but freakout and run for some reason...

Try making the opening a little bigger. I feel like their antennae make the shrimp extremely aware of their surroundings. I cut the opening rather large and it still trapped them in the bottle. Use a high-value food - something that you're shrimp will fight for. It also helped to leave the bottle in the tank overnight. I ended up catching the peppermints, a pipefish and several snails. I just release the others and moved the peppermints the a different tank.

Sorry I don't have a picture sad.png

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This might seem crazy, but you could borrow the club's acclimate fish trap. I'd be really surprised if they were cautious of something so big. Don't feed the tank for a while, then put some mysis in the trap.

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