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210G RR Oceanic glass aquarium


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It is 210 gallon Saltwater Aquarium reef ready ( Pre Drilled) does hold water, small scratches on front no cracks come with Sand, Rocks, Salt, Light (one for tank and one for sump), Sump, Protein skimmer, return pump, power head. The stand is not included ($1200.00) OBO, I am willing to negotiate.

If you would like a picture or to see it you can call or text me at 512.587.8624

Tank Size roughly 7ft x 2ft x 3ft Glass Pre Drilled

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Can you list what type of lighting? Metal halide, T-5, wattage?

Brand of protein skimmer/return pump/powerheads? How many lbs of live rock? What type?

Sorry for all the questions but that's a pretty big purchase for me without knowing some specifics on equipment. Thanks in advance!


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First thank you to all of the ARC members who came to help when i need to let go of my fish, many members offered a safe place for them to stay till a permanent home came available and to help by providing battery operated devices, thank you again for all of the help and it is amazing that this community has such helpful and caring people. So now that I am in my new place and have internet here are the specs on the tank.

210G RR Glass 2 overflows one on each side

50g sump

1 T5 light (not for sure the name but will have that soon)

1 Protien skimmer from AquaC that I think is rated from 300-350

1 Return Pump all i know on this one is its big and green great power enough I only got one power head for my tank

50lb Rock 150-200lb sand

Needs to be replaced:

All of the bulkheads


Stand (I will sell the stand but would prefer not to because we have hand painted it and are looking at turning it into a bar because it is bar height)

I will try and locate information on the light and pumps here in the next couple days

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