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Favorite Dry Foods


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I like to alternate foods for my tanks.

I feed frozen one day and dry the next, alternating between mysis, squid, etc on the frozen days. I supplement oyster eggs and phyto alternating that too.

On dry days I use either Spectrum or Hikari Spriluna Brine Shrimp mix.

Seems like any frozen food is a hit and everything loves it. So, that is never a tough decision. Dry can be iffy, some things like it and some fish turn their noses up, but it is handy for storage and easier to explain to house-sitters. (Explaining, frozen mixes and anemone feeding to a house-sitter can cause them to glaze over....)

What are your favorite dry foods? I'm running low on the Hikari and would be willing to buy it again but I really think the tanks' inhabitants benefit from variety. Gimme a suggestion for something to throw into the mix! I have clowns, a 6 line, some damsels, and a ton of inverts.


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In my autofeeders I use New Life Spectrum mixed with powdered krill and/or freeze dried krill run through a food processer. What I look for in dry food is grain products don't show up 'till 3rd or 4th ingrediant.

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as far as dry foods go, i really like nls, omega one, and ocean nutrition, they have the best ingredients and once the fish get a taste for them they love them! they all have omnivore and herbivore formulas, i like that allot too.

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