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Live Rock, Live Stock, Live Sand


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I will send a pic. by request. I am working with old technology and can't get a good picture to post, but I can text you one or some video. I have 125+ lbs. of live rock. There are 46 corals stuck to it, mostly sps acros but there are some duncans, Favia, Chalice etc. as well. Sailfin tang, 2 ribbon gobies, flame hawk, and a big eye squirl fish. I would take 800 for everything, so all you need is a running tank and I can stock it. PM if interested.

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How much per pound for the rock?

So I have two main pieces one I am estimating 50lbs and maybe 15-20lbs that are going to have coral remains on them from fragging the main colonys. The big one has about 10-11 remains that will grow the other is abot 6-8 depending on how much I can get off. Since those are prime, the main one for a good display rock I would like 7lb for it. I would be willing to split it somehow if you want to come look at it and we can figure out a way to break it. the other rock in my tank is smaller pieces so 5lb

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