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Need Tank to Photo for UT feature


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Hi all,

I'm in public affairs for UT-Austin and am working on a feature, for the university front page, about efforts to breed marine ornamentals in order to offer an alternative to the wild-caught species which are often caught in pretty environmentally damaging ways. Our photographer is looking for a saltwater tank, with both coral and brightly colored fish in it, to photograph. Can anyone recommend such a tank (in a restaurant, or a building lobby, or wherever)?

A version of the feature is here:


Any help would be appreciated. If anyone has a photo of their own tank, for instance, please send it on. We need something pretty striking for the front page. My email is [email protected].


Dan Oppenheimer

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I would look through some of the gallery photos on the forums here, to see who has a tank that is up to your standards? Another possiblity would be to email Wayde King or Brett Raymer from the show "Tanked" on the Animal Planet? May be far fetched but I'm sure they wouldn't mind reaching out to help a University? How would UT grads get access to this feature if they were interested? Best of luck on your photo hunt!

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