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Moving coral colonies

Toxiq Reef

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Dear all you fraggers, i'm moving into a different tank(smaller.) Is it ideal to frag off large colonies? The rockbase is not transfering, or would fragging small be better? I'm not very experienced in moving large colonies. Also, im referring to SPS only. Thanks!

Edited by Toxiq Reef
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It's basicly the same as getting something from a LFS or other reefer. Obviously drip is the best way to acclimate to the new tank. I'd say bigger is better but you shouldn't have significantly more problems with smaller. If you have the time letting the new frags establish themselves in the original tank would be better but certainly not neccessary.

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Hey Greg,

With how you are setup, both tanks running concurrently, frag a portion of a large colony move it over to the new tank in the master and see how it does. If it moves with no stress or hassle, then I think you've got the green light to hack away on the others and move whatever portion you want over to your new cube.

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