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My 125g Fish Only Build


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I finally got around to setting up my 125g fish only tank. This last weekend Josh Martin helped me build a new stand and did a hell of a job. Thanks to him I was able to get it set up! I had to build a new stand because the precision Marine skimmer that I bought from Mindlfux (is a beast) and the stand that came with the tank wasn't quite tall enough for me to be able to get in there and clean the cup. I am using a Mag 18 return pump. I have about 200lbs of rock between the tank and the 55 gallon sump. I did about 70lbs of live and the rest dead. I decided to try these 2 ocean stream kit powerheads that are rated at 1600 gph with a controller and were like $130 so I figured I would buy them and see if they worked before going crazy on powerheads. For lighting I am doing 2 VHO 6ft bulbs since I am not doing any coral in this tank I figured I didn't need to go crazy on the lighting. The pictures below aren't the best (camera phone). I will get some better pictures this weekend. I am cycling the tank with 6 damsel fish, I know Damsels are bullies etc. etc. But figured the predators that I will be putting in this tank will take care of them.



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