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Restocking time and I need a fish I.D.


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After I noticed a few of my SPS colonies die; I realized that I need to do an overhaul on the tank. So I sold 85% of my corals stirred up my sand bed and did a 40g water change on my 75g tank. With a recommendation from Clint(Fishypets)I also bought more test kits and started running carbon in the canister filters. The results are in and I am declared the winner! :D My nitrate levels are constantly at 0. Alkalinity is at a 9. Salinity-1.025, Calcium 460, PH-8.1, Phosphates 0.09, Temp-79F-82F. I also dose magnesium, alk and calcium daily. Cut back on my feeding to once a day. These have been my water parameters for the last 9 days.(I test every day to make sure)I have even added two more fish and an anemone and about 5 types of SPS and rainbow raptors.(Thanks to Clint and Don)So I am officially back. I also had a question about a damsel fish that was given to me yesterday. I have looked up types of damsels but cant find one that matches the one I have. Its black with a white and yellow tail. I know some damsels change colors as they get older. Its not aggressive as other damsels i have had in the past. Im posting a video so maybe someone will be able to I.D him. He comes out then darts back into the rocks Thanks!



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You better be careful with a bleached anenome. LOL

Thats funny man! Next time you post something try not to say its white. People think death. Usually people associate death with black. In reefing white equals death! Thanks again for the anemone. If your thinking about doing your rock work again let me know.

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