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Need immediate acclimating help!

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I just picked up a Kole Tang and I was wanting to drip acclimate him. I haven't used this method before, but I know its the best way to do it (especially with a fish like a Tang). Problem is, I could've SWORN I had an air valve to control the drip rate, but I can't seem to find it. Is there a makeshift way to do this? Or should I just try to slowly add tank water to the bag. He is currently floating in the tank for temperature acclimation. Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks!

- Caleb

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I know some people that use the drip acclimation process. We normally do not, but everyone has their own opinion. I usually float the bag in the tank and let it acclimate to the temperature of our tank. I will then add some tank water and let the fish acclimate to that for a while. I usually go back and forth a couple of times adding a little more tank water each time. Then after about 45 minutes to an hour (total time), I let the fish go. Hope this helps...just my two cents :D

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Chad and Belinda - yeah that's what I normally do also, but I've read Tangs are pretty worrisome and that drip acclimation is preferred with them.

I tied the line in a knot, and the Tang is now drip acclimating into a pitcher. I REALLY freaked him out when I dumped the bag into the pitcher, though. I hope that's just part of their nature and it won't kill him :hmm:

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Ok gently / gradually cover the container he is in. Darkness will help minimize the stress which is probably what is causing the behavior. As much as possible resist the urge to keep checking on him, also anytime you move a fish from one container to another do so as gently as possible.

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Ok gently / gradually cover the container he is in. Darkness will help minimize the stress which is probably what is causing the behavior. As much as possible resist the urge to keep checking on him, also anytime you move a fish from one container to another do so as gently as possible.

You got it! Although, it will be tough to keep myself from checking on him every 10 seconds haha

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With the more delicate tangs even once they are in the tank it’s a good idea to leave them alone for several days. Try to resist the urge to constantly look behind rocks to check on them. Once you’ve verified the tang is alive move on and give them time and space to get settled.

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I guess everyone is different..

If you have ever been to any LFS their acclimation process is just be floating the bag for a temperature acclimation and then releasing the critter slowly.

This is how I have acclimated everything in my tank and have never lost anything due to acclimation or putting it in the tank.

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