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Mandarin Critical Condition - HELP!


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Ok - I saw that I forgot to turn on my pump last night after feeding my mandarins bbs. After turning on the pump the male mandarin came floundering out from behind a rock looking as you see below.

I'm wondering if there is a blockage - he was not THAT skinny yesterday. The tail is all sorts of gone. I'm heading to Petco in a few - help - what's wrong - what do I do?? I've already removed him from the tank and put him in a plastic bowl with air bubbler.

PS the female mandarin looks healthy, alert and full.






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ummm ya, I returned from Petco with the medication to find him deadhmm.png. I think it was a bacterial infection. He started acting "off" around the same time I lost two more ponies. I'm blaming the bbs. I hope my husbandry skills have improved with regard to hatching the bbs cause I still have one pony left and that's all they'll eat. Live and learn as they say . ..

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I'm sorry for your loss. I've loved mandarin's since I first saw one in the late 80s. Best guess (and unfortunatly that's what it is) is that he got beat up by something, gobies, female mandarin, hermit don't know but either he got an infection that caused receding flesh (looking at the fins) but didn't impact his color or something was picking at him.

Anyway, that's my reasoning.

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The mandarins were in my coral tank so the are the only two fish. I removed all my hermit crabs a long time ago (I hate them with a passion, just read what they did to Juiceman's sea horses)! So the cuc is only snails. The two mandarins have been together for at least two months. She's never beaten him up before. Do the males/females fight or just the males? She's always seemed very passive and there's not a mark on her.

I figured it was the same bacterial infection that took my sea horses, but this did happen very very rapidly. hummm

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