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FS: Sea Hare (Aplysia sp.)


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Available for sale one Sea Hare. Approximately 3"-4". Asking price $15.


Care Level: Expert Only

Temperament: Peaceful

Water Conditions: 72-78° F, dKH 8-12, pH 8.1-8.4, sg 1.023-1.025

Max. Size: 1'

Color Form: Black, Tan

Diet: Herbivore

Origin: Indo-Pacific

Family: Aplysidae


The body of the Dwarf Sea Hare is a combination of speckles and patterns. The location of its rhinophores (organ used to smell) and its oral tentacles make it look a bit like a rabbit, hence its common name.If it becomes startled, it may release a purple dye to repel attacking fish. In the home aquarium, the Sea Hare will need a good chemical filter system to quickly remove this toxic dye before it causes problems.In the wild, it is usually found in shallow areas of seagrasses and coral rubble, preferring the shaded areas. Cover from the lights in the aquarium should be provided. It requires a large area in which to move. It prefers an aquarium with live rock and open sandy areas so that it can graze on algae, eating any Caulerpa in the tank. It is sensitive to high levels of copper-based medications and will not tolerate bad water conditions (high nitrates).If regular feedings of Caulerpa are not possible, it will need a supplemented diet of parboiled lettuce and dried kelp.

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