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liverock with coraline


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Coraline grows WAAAAY faster under weak flourescent lighting than it does with MH or even strong flourescent lighting.....sounds crazy but its true. I had a 75 gallon setup with 2 rows of flourescent lighting over it and the coraline grew so fast that the tank looked purple and I was constantly scraping the glass to get it off. So if you are cycling your tank just put a small flourescent fixture on it and leave on for 18 hrs a day you will have coraline covered rocks in no time, I guarantee it. Shane at fishy business told me that once and I didn't believe him until I saw it for myself. I would get the dead rock too and just scrap you off some coraline from another tank and place it in the tank you cycle the rock in (20 gallon with a powerhead would be enough).

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