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Marine SAT

Garrett Huegin

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I have not been to that store or spoken with him. I just read some other forums and saw people had some success with it, so I ordered some. I am only using this for a 30 gallon tank, so hopefully i will notice some results. Will let you know. It is coming in the mail today.

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Same here...did nothing for my tank, but I know myself and Mark already have low nutrient systems so maybe that is why we didn't see any changes. I've read a lot of people who swear by it for hair algae problems

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a quick google search and i came up with only one answer to this inquiry.. it doesn't work.. it might kill off the hair algae for a short period of time, but it will be back more so than before. and i also read a whole lot of "my pod population went way down" and "i do not recommend this to anyone who has a reef or refugium". i was interested in the stuff as well in a friends tank, but after reading a few other forums on the subject i definitely do NOT want to let anyone try it in their tank.

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It worked for me in an old tank, DONT follow the dosing instructions...I put 2 BIG bottles in a 72G bowfront in a week and within a month i was having to daily clean my return filter cause it was clogging up with HA. But a permenant solutio is NUTRIENT EXPORT i.e. you have to find out whats feeding the HA and stop/slow it down and find a way for something beneficial to grow off of what it is growing from. Thats where MARINE SAT can help, its a micro bacteria that feeds on what the HA is growing from. You cant overdose it. A good fuge with chaeto an mangroves will help. A good skimmer working properly will help. Good water change water will help, it goes alot further than "here is the solution and it will be fixed in a day". Sometime time is the answer. But you have to get some sort of NUTRIENT EXPORTING going. Sorry for the rant...

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