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Put a VERY healthy "red fin" brisletooth in with my sailfin tang and working 10 min the sailfin had effectively shredded the dorsal and the back fin to slithers with snips and his spike. I couldn't interfere due to this all happening within the rockwork. Both fish are the same size...the bristle didn't even fight back!

WHAT DO I DO? Let nature play it's role and most likely lose my new bristletooth!!!!??!?!!?

I really hate for this to be happening. Someone please have good advice for me.

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Tomorrow you might just turn on the lights in the room where your tank is in and leave off the tank lights at least until tomorrow afternoon. If my fish are fighting really bad I sometimes stick a net in the tank which makes everyone go hide, this breaks them up for a little while at least. If you can take out the sailfin for a few days and put him back that might do the trick. And you never know, they may be fine tomorrow but I doubt it. Good luck.

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Tomorrow you might just turn on the lights in the room where your tank is in and leave off the tank lights at least until tomorrow afternoon. If my fish are fighting really bad I sometimes stick a net in the tank which makes everyone go hide, this breaks them up for a little while at least. If you can take out the sailfin for a few days and put him back that might do the trick. And you never know, they may be fine tomorrow but I doubt it. Good luck.

This is a very good idea. Just don't wait too long. I did this once with 2 tangs. I introduced our new purple tang into the tank with our yellow tang. The yellow tang almost killed him before I got the yellow out. I put the yellow in another tank for a week or so. When I put him back, the purple tang almost killed him. If your lucky enough to get him out, try not to let it go for more than a few days.

Good luck.

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Idk what to do...they're both asleep right now. Te hurt one is in his own cave...but "Finny" the sailfin can actually get him no matter where he goes. Gah I feel helpless. Truly hate when this happens. The next fish I'm getting is a shark-teach him whose boss. (kidding)

Edited by Collin
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So- I can't reach either of the tangs. They are asleep. Hoping the sailfin effectively took out his aggression on the poor bristletooth. If he is being hassled tomorrow I will move him to a temporary 30g and go from there. This has thoroughly puzzled me-the sailfin is the personality of the tank an is the "protector" of the new fish usually from my angel.

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Good luck hope it all works out... yeah usually my sailfin is buds with everyone... guess I have a lucky fish I actually have 5 tangs living very happily together.... hope it all works out... sailfins are good protectors though.... :(

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I'd catch the sailfin and get rid of it. He will just beat up on the next guy, and the next guy...... I always remove aggressive fish from my tank, I like things as calm as they can be. In fact I've got my fish trap in my tank right now to catch a yellow tang that is starting to be a bully my purple....funny thing is that it is the smallest tang in the tank! If you sold the the tang to someone else who has bigger fish it would probably fall right in line without any problems. My 10" black tank would show him a thing or 2.

Also if you try to catch the new tang you are going to just stress it out even more, it may die from it as sensitive as some of the tangs are. The sailfin can handle being caught and moved better than the new fish. I'd tell the sailfin :(

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No problems this morning. The hurt one is just hiding. Now I am worried about him getting food. Should I stick some dried seaweed down for him? Or turkey Bastet some food at him?

Fish can go days without eating and it won't hurt them a bit, I would just leave him alone and keep the lights down. If you have several lights over you tank try and turn off the one above where he is hiding. If they start to fight drop a net in the tank, that will usually send the fish hiding.

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If your sailfin ripped up the fins on the bristletooth that quick I doubt you're going to have much luck getting them to cohabitate. I think the best chance you have is taking the sailfin out for a week or two. Even if this works it may only be short term, I've had three instances where tangs that had been together for months or years became intolerant of each other.

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Thanks for all the awesome advice. I will think about catching the sailfin-it wouldn't be hard. I just am not sure I would want to sell it-idk if the bristletooth can live. I see him-he is breathing normally-just scared.

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Just wait to see if they go at it again. As long as the bristletooth doesn't break out in ich, doesn't get beat up on much more, and starts to eat he will be fine. I doubt that he was damaged that much in the fight although he might look bad.

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