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Pistol and gobies...


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Ok, I have a question that's plaguing me... While watching Gregs pistol shrimp and gobies this evening the pistol became angry at a crab and started clicking. So here is my thought...

How does the pistol know the gobies from any other fish in the tank? I mean if he clicks at the other fish, how come the gobies can live in the hole with him and he doest click at them???

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as far as i can remember they use there antennas to sense movement and they use ultrasound from the claw clicks. if i remember rite..i got rid of my pair cause the pistol killed everything. 6line wrasse gone, several hermits id add 10 hermits a month to my tank cause he would eat them, added 5 pep shrimp, killed them all in a week. turbo snails same dead when they reached the sand. he would kick the shells out of his burrow constantly.not to mention he dug more tunnels than a engineer goby

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When you all figure it out let me know and I'll wright a book, makes lots of money and retire to an island somewhere along the great barrier reef in Australia :D

If I was to guess I'd go with either tactile (including pressure waves transmitted through the water) or olfactory cues or some combination.

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i read that somewhere. that they use there claw for sonar, and there tenticals to sence the moments from the goby. i know that my shrimp was blind tho i could get close to him if i moved very slow around him with a stick or the grabbers once he sensed it he would run and snap his claw. he would do it very soft at night and when we would kill something it was super loud, like wake me up loud and the tank is in the living room..

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