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Lion Fish In jepordy


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I bought what I believe is a dwarf Lion fish from aquadome, and I'm yet to see him eat. (Orange red fins, georgious fish)

I've spent hours over the last two weeks trying to get him to start taking shrimp from me like my last Lion fish did. (No luck.) I've bought ghost shrimp and not seen him take any of them either (My angel and crabs liked them though). Now I've noticed today one of his eye's clouding over. (Last lion fish died choaking on a damsil fish)

I looked over my other fish and noticed my blue angel also has an eye that is starting to cloud over, one of her fins also is starting to look ragged.

Had my tank running for just over a year now, not had any issues like this before. I've not had my water checked yet, though I did do a water change yesterday. The last thing I added are some leather tree corals which seem to be doing great ~1 week ago.

I've now had the lion fish two weeks, and still not seen him eat....

Based on what I've read, my guess is all I can really do is test my water and do more water changes??

Any other suggestions, are there any stores open tomorrow.


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Ok confirmed it is a Fuzzy Dwarf Lion, from more I read it would be better to use live saltwater feeder shrimp. All I've found thus far are freshwater ghost shrimp. Any suggestions where to get the saltwater feeder shrimp.

Also what I mentioned above in my first question?


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I doubt your fish will eat anything if he wont take live. Is he breathing heavily? you may want to do some research into flukes (i lost two scorpions to them and they displayed similar symptoms as you are describing).

also if you have a qt tank, i would suggest moving him there.

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Thanks Will,

I went by Aquadome, they said the same thing that it was likely flukes. They recommended taking the affected fish out and giving them a freshwater bath. (Soak them in freshwater RO same temp for ~3min).

Sure enough the flukes became opaque and began dropping off. WOW!!!!!

I treated by Blue angel first she had ~12 on her but it appears they all fell off, (She does seem to have an odd bubble on the bottom and top fin still) Three of the flukes on her eye looked like popeye today.

She is back in the tank, and I've got my fingers crossed.

The lion, seemed to take it in stride at first. After ~ 2 min I went to agitate the water again and he decided to take a dive onto the floor. (Ouch). I got him up and back to the salt tank quick, worried about him now even more) It looked like he had ~6 on him all small ones but I only saw the one on his eye fall off before he jumped out. ( they were Opaque, so I'm hoping they will fall off.)

I had the freshwater spiked with BiFuran+ (as recommended by Aquadome)

Going to search to see what eats flukes, given I'm sure there are others in the tank. (Rather not turn my whole tank yellow, and likely kill a few other things in the process)

Thanks again for your help!!!

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Yellow corris wrasse will eat them as well as cleaner shrimp, but you have to make sure ur shrimp is large enough not to be eaten by the lion.

Also if u do the dips again make sure the ph is the same as well

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