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green algae help


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so my 135gal tank had been up and running for 11 months now. I have the water tested regularly by myself as well as RCA and everything has always tested out fine). Yes, even the phosphates. I have added numerous turbo snails and hermits 2 urchins, and a lawnmower blenny. Flow in the tank is about 1600gph and the lights are on a timer. Enjoy the video... if you have any suggestions, please let me know. Thanks

OK.. so here is a closer look of the algae..

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More tangs, rabbitfish, an urchin, and a lawnmower blenny. Rais the Mg up to around 1700 and you can also try the 3 days af darkness. That should knock out most of it. A large urchin is probably the best grazer that I have seen and would have your tank cleaned up in a few days.

I just saw that you have a small urchin in the video, that is good. You need to come borrow mine, its about 3x's that size and is a lawnmower. You are welcome to have him for a few weeks if you bring him back. He's in my fuge right now cleaning up.

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All of hydro's recommendations are good.

Hard to tell from the video if it is green hair algae (GHA) or bryopsis.

I battled with what I thought was GHA for several months without success. Tried the same things you have.

mcallahan came over and thought it might be bryopsis (even though it looks more typical of GHA).

Raised my Mg from 1350 to 1600 over a week and it disappeared almost overnight.

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DKh is normal.. All water parameters are normal.. I get these tested at RCA regularly as well as I test them regularly. 0 Amonia, 0 Nitrates, 0 nitrites, Calcium mag is great, DKh is fine, Potassium is very very low.... Water PPM is 5-7 going into the tank... as it has been from the start.. Algae problem comes and goes, though this time it was really bad. I do not dose the tank nor do I have a calc reactor. I have a big skimmer and a refugium that is doing well. Ill see about getting a better video of the green stuff to clarify what it may actually be. Urchins and snails do not seem to be eating it at all.

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Manual removal, 3days of darkness, big water change with more manual removal. DI water will help too.

I never had much luck with biological controls.

I too have heard that SAT will knock it down but have never used it myself.

How old are your lights? What do you feed? What kinda of skimmer are you running?

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How old are your lights? What do you feed? What kinda of skimmer are you running?

As you know, I've had the same issue... I put foil over the infected half side of the tank to block the light. That algae (and cyano) is dying off. I added two turbos, but I believe one has died - my first death. :( I'm thinking it may have been from eating cyano tainted hair algae...but who knows.

Also, the reason for the quote is that I'm going to change out my lights - they are only 3 months old, but original to the canopy. I read that old lights can be a factor as well.

Good luck!!


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ive lost a lot of my turbos as well... not sure why that is. ill try a complete black out of my tank for a few days to see if that helps.. in the mean time i also want to look for a DI system or a new RO/DI system. My lights will also need to be changed since they are coming up on their 1 year mark.

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thats pretty bad as far as GHA. if it is GHA. but i dunno, cant really tell from the vid. get a bunch of mexican turbo snails and go dark for a couple days. see if that helps. i used carbon and algiaefix to knock out my GHA problem good skimmer in necessary too. what are your phosphates? do you see anything else other than GHA? the lawnmower wont eat stuff thats to long. i added one to my tank when i had that problem and he didnt eat any of it. i pulled most manually and used the algaefix and turbos and carbon and chemipure to get rid of mine. but mine wasn't near that bad. just read that you lost turbos? have you lost any other snails? alk swings will kill snails, and cause GHA blooms. i know some say it wont but my tank has been living proof of that.


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I still think that refugiums add to algae problems.

This confounds me and goes completely against the sound logic of a refugium. The idea that you provide an ideal place for organisms that grow faster and process waste better than GHA would in the display, and in a manner that you can physically control is somehow counterproductive has my mind in knots.

Could you explain your position better?

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