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Vivid Aquariums Order...Take 16, The "Dr. Will needs a specimen" Order


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Here's the scoop:

I just got off the phone with Vivid and they *supposively* called me yesterday (they didn't) to let me know that the order wasn't going out b/c they were waiting on a fish.

Our new delivery date is NEXT Wednesday, Oct 27th. I apologize for the screw up and I'll make sure our box gets here on time, this time.

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Vivid's penchant for listing corals that are "Pre-Order" only and/or fish that aren't really available is starting to wear thin. I requested in-stock notification on the ORA Rose Mille about a month ago. When I didn't hear anything in that time, I thought I'd drop them a line and ask for an update. Here's the response from Zach at Vivid:

"We place ORA orders randomly, so I couldn't give you a exact time frame. Maybe in a couple of months. I know that sounds like a long wait, but we just got an order in a few weeks ago and we won't re-up until later."

Why on earth list a coral on your site when you know for a fact that it's going to be ?!?MONTHS?!? before it's available to your customers again? If Vivid doesn't tighten up their business practices, I'm not going to be in a big hurry to place more orders with them in the future. Mark, I know you've got friends over there, but they need to hear about the frustrations they're creating with their customers.

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