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mystery wrasse


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I have a mystery wrasse that we just spent an hour looking for, its normally out all of time, especially at feeding time. I finally found him inside a rock with a flashlight, no big deal except that I think that it might be stuck. Our wrasse is VERY fat and it looks like it could only make it halfway though the rock, the front and the back appear free but the rock is very tight in it in the middle. I tried shaking to rock to get him out and also blasted him from behind with a turkey baster but it didn't move. Whats the deal? Is it stuck or has it become shy all of a sudden?

I will take that rock out and break it if I have to, no way would I let this fish die in there.

Bottom line, can a wrasse underestimate the size of its own body when trying to fit in a swim through?


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I think that he is ok, I will wait till in the morning to bust him out if that is not the case. He seems to drif back and forth when I shake the rock.

How did your wrasse die?

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I'm sorry about that, If I wouldn't have found ours stuck in the rock I would have had no idea where he went. When we realized we couldn't find him my wife got really upset but I have learned that 50% of thr time I can't find a fish it usually turns up. She loves that fish plus the cost of it alone will make you worry.

He was stuck in the rock, I checked on him this morning and he was free inside the rock but there were to many turns for it to get out, it would have had to back up all the way out the rock. I busted him out underwater, basically cuttung away the areas in front of him giving it a free path....well it worked on now our wrasse is swimming around the tank and already ate some mysis shrimp.

Every once in a while there is a happy ending:).

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This same thing happened with my dilectus pseudochromis. She got stuck between the glass and a rock. She got scratched up pretty bad but she is back to full health and as ornery as every.

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