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My new project begins


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My friends parents had a 40 gallon freshwater setup and while out of town, the big fish in the tank splashed enough to short out the wall socket. Had the wall not been stone, the house would have burned. They are never home anymore, having a beach house and all....:) (lucky lol) and my friends mom said she wanted it out....


Knowing what a fish nut I am, they called and asked if I would want to drive out to Dripping Springs and pick up the tank. :hyper: The hardest part was trying to coordinate when they would be in town long enough for me to go out. So I picked it up on Monday!!

I am so excited to finally be able to start and do this right. We are not going to rush this and we are going to take our time. I learned my lesson with my current saltwater tank. Here's a few pictures of my goodies I got. I know it's nowhere complete, but it's a start. I have to thank Mcallahan for helping me thru all my idiotic questions too. :|

I also added a couple pics of the future inhabitants of this new (soon to be) beauty, my firefish. There's two, but one is it his burrow.







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I sure can't join the single tank club. I have 4 running and two 55g tanks sitting in the garage awaiting set up. I need a 12 step program.

Melissa, while ya got the tank empty are you going to have it drilled?

Congrats and have fun on the set up.

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