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So I have a maroon clown that no one will buy lol. anyhow I gave up and took him out of the sump and put him in the big tank. With in 30mins she was hosting my RBTA which is her nature she hosts anything with a tenticle cause she's a sl*t lol. anyhow take a look at the video? I'm almost positive due to her size ( coming up on 4"!) that she will crush my wonderful RBTA like she has done in the past with others. I need some opinions on if I should remove her?


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I have a little ocellaris hosting in a large colony of hairy shrooms (they almost look like a carpet nem), clowns are little hussies for sure! My clown is very gentle and the mushrooms don't mind having her even though she burrows and 'cuddles' with them very actively.

If your clown is aggressive with the nem or is causing damage I'd pull it. I have talked to multiple people who have had their clowns kill an anemone. Catch the maroon clown and take her to one of the big fish stores in Austin and trade her in for credit. I've taken fish to both RCA and Aquatec. Aquatec acted like they were doing me a favor to take my fish and I got nothing for them. RCA gave me store credit, which I happily spent on another fish!

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Since posting the video I've had to offers on her oddly enough. not really what I was going for lol. And as far as aquatec it doesn't matter what your selling if your prices are high and your service is well, sub-par. I went there 2 times to many.

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