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WTT: Monti Cap, Polyps, mystery coral


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I have some large pieces of Monti Cap I'd like to trade. The stuff has grown like crazy in this tank and I need to clear out room for other corals. Each piece is probably about 6-7" wide.



I also have various small frags of this stuff that broke off when I relocated the tank recently. Not sure what exactly it is, it came from my brother-in-law and has also really thrived. Here's a picture of the main coral.


Lastly, I have a colony of 30+ greenish-brown button (?) polyps for trade. I noticed when I took the picture there were two small majanos, but they have since been wiped out with Aiptasia-X.


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Not really, I'm pretty open at this point. I recently took over the tank from my brother-in-law and it did not have a lot of diversity, just a few corals that had really thrived. Here's what I have in addition to the stuff above: purple mushrooms, candy cane, galaxia, lettuce, GSP, and what I think is a lobed brain coral.

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I'm running 2x150w 10K MH and 2x130w antinics.

After looking at some pictures, I think you may be right Don. I think it's Pavona.

If you dont have any birdsnest i have a 3x3" frag with multiple branches that i would like to trade for a frag of that Pavona! LMK

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey Lamont, Glad to hear it looks good! My birdsnest is happy so far, it was a much bigger frag than I realized :-)

My main pavona coral is in the top half of my tank, but it has grown down the rock quite happily. I also have pieces that have broken off living on the bottom and seem to be doing ok. I would say I kept that frag of yours about halfway down in my tank.

Edited by SAtiger
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