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Lighting Configuration


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I was looking at my tank last night and was thinking about my lighting configuration. I currently have a 36 inch T5 fixture over my tank. My tan is 36 inches long. The fixture has 3 10k tubes and 3 actinic tubes. I was kind of thinking about removing one of the actinic tubes and replacing it with another 10k tube.

Would adding another 10k tube be more beneficial than having the 3rd actinic tube?

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I run MH lights so am not a VHO expert by any means. That being said i'll wade into it. :)

Generally, as far as your corals are concerned, beneficial would be a full set of lights all in the 7200 "full sunlight" spectrum range. There are a few very minor exceptions to this (very deep sea corals, sponges for a couple.) The reason that your corals "glow" under a blue spectrum of light is that they do not need that wavelength to photosynthesize and are rejecting it.

So yes, if your corals need some extra light, another 10k would help out. Especially as you have ~150w of lights over a 90G discounting actinics.

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