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Purple Valida and Tri Color Acros


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These are two of my favorite pieces. The purple valida is a tough one and survived my unstable large tank until I could move it. I realized this week the reason for some of my coral death recently...my RO filters were dead. I've got a new RO system, but it will be some time before I've done enough changes so that my water is good again throughout the tank. These two pieces are in great shape, but I want them gone before anything happens to them. Once it starts, and they are in my tank, it won't stop.

Purple Valida mini colony on it's own rock about 3x3" (approx) with lots of 1" growths. I got this when it was just flat on the rock. It's a nice purple color like the Purple Bonsai. Polyps are purple and some are bright green usually around the encrusting areas. Currently under LED's. Asking $50.

Tri-Color Acro...grew this from a thin 1" frag. It's curved oddly so it's hard to measure it...at least 3" tall with lots of small branches growing. I think it's on a plug...plug is encrusted over the top. It's under 250W metal halide, but the colors don't show well with the bulb I have. Asking $30.

I will be at RCA on Saturday at 11a.m. I would LOVE to get these sold by this weekend because I've had this luck where I'll post something and in if it's not gone within a week, I end up killing it.






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Sorry for the large photos...I had better ones of the purple valida, but after putting them on the computer I couldn't find them again. I'm having issues today sad.gif

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