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Status Updates posted by NonSequitur

  1. Added a McCosker's flasher wrasse 36 hours ago, still alive. Just finished two batches of homemade cheese, both turned out. Today is a good day.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. mcallahan


      I'm with Robb...SPEAK!

    3. medi


      Homemade mozzarella is by far the easiest and only takes about an hour worth of work to make a huge batch. Oh yeah.....Did I mention it's awesome!!?

    4. pokerface31


      Hey are u home

  2. Coast to coast (Calfo) overflow for the new 90gal is assembled, just waiting for the silicone to cure.

    1. mcallahan


      Fill that tank ! It's cured by now!

    2. NonSequitur


      Not done drilling yet, one hole is through, one is halfway through, and the third is but a sharpie mark on the glass.

  3. Thing two is missing! One of my new clowns has disappeared :(

  4. One of my new clowns has hosted in one of my GBTAs. Yay! One down, one to go.

    1. innate1
    2. Toxiq Reef

      Toxiq Reef

      grats, feels good doesnt it? the others will mimic him/her

  5. Finally gave in and bought a clownfish.. I wasn't going to have any, but when I saw the tiny little misbarred perc I just had to have him.

    1. mcallahan


      awww, c'mon, they aren't that bad!

    2. Chrispar


      they really aren't I love my Maroon and Gold

  6. Firefish are funny like that.. mine usually take turns coming out too, unless it's feeding time.

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