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Posts posted by jrsimank

  1. Did you figure this out? I have to agree that it might have been your MH change. Please post your water parameters.

    Is the actual tissue dying off or is it just losing color?

    I moved all the stuff that was still alive to the bottom and slowly moved it back up and all is well. And the GSP came back, I was surprised. Only lost 4 or 5 of the other corals. It had to have been the light. All the water parameters are stable, still. Kyle comes home in less than 3 weeks, hopefully I can keep it alive until then :dribble:

    What happened was everything bleached out, and never came back :lol: I don't know what the parameters are off hand I just know that they are within the normal levels they are supposed to be (I have a little chart at home)

  2. also...what kind of lighting do you have? I just fried some SPS by not knowing my new MH bulb was not UV protected...

    We did have a MH go out last week and I assumed he ordered the same thing to replace it. I'll check it out tho.

  3. how is the salinity? If it is too low, I have seen them die one by one. Also, high phosphates can make them unhealthy...

    Salt is good. the phosphates are up a little but no higher than they usually get. Never had a problem before, planning to do a water change tho this week.

  4. Any ideas on why our sps is suddenly dying??

    It started out with one piece that wasn't doing very well any way and has worked it's way across the tank... One coral at a time.

    All the parameters are fine, they are stable where they have always been or better. I'm just puzzled why all of a sudden they are all dying off when nothing has changed...


  5. I had black spots on my tang a while back. Increased the nori and it went away. I could be wrong but I think he needs more veggies. I not very knowledgeable about black ich I just know what I did to cure the black spots. If you need some nori I got pleanty.

    Thank you again for the nori!! The tang has already started nibbling on it :) I enjoyed visiting with both of you and seeing your tanks too!

  6. Hey Jennifer!

    congrats on the job thus far!

    when does Kyle get back?

    needed to ask him something.

    oh and the answer is:

    black spot aka tang disease aka black ich

    Give all infected fish a freshwater dip, followed by a formalin bath and continue treatment in a QT.

    (and by freshwater they mean fresh RO/DI with no salt...just to clarify)

    Thanks! Everyone's input was really helpful. I will give her a dip then. I don't have a QT... and the formalin bath, not sure what that is...

    Kyle won't be back until around June 19th. I am pretty sure the tank will look nothing like it did before he left. I have already had to rearrange about half of the corals because the dumb hermit crabs like to knock them all down at night and I can never figure out where they came from. He said I could sell the crabs but that means I have to catch them and they creep me out...

  7. Hey everyone! I finally have my first potential problem with the tank since Kyle left (I made it almost 3 weeks!). Our yellow tang has these tiny, VERY VERY tiny black dots on her. There are quite a few and I don't see them on any other fish. Is this normal or could she have a parasite or some disease? What's up with this???



  8. :wave: Yea, I created a blog. I've never had one so I don't quite know what to do :) , but I'll figure it out. Hopefully I can get some pictures up of our tank.




    My Starfish that died. He looks alive after it rained on him (I wanted to dehydrate him and keep him, so much for that)



  9. Fine....I HATE to have to be the one that does this...but...since everyone else is being cowards about it.....*sigh*...here it goes:

    Can you PLEASE make fried pickles for the meeting?

    There I said it ....it's out there...you can all thank me later......if she says "yes" that is.


    HAHA I told Kyle I would have to make them. So yes, I think I can manage that.

  10. welcome! although we have already met. (the guy who borrowed the trashcans)

    which reminds me....

    yeah...i'll drop those back off tomorrow

    Hi, yes I remember you. I don't know everyone's name yet, but I guess I will learn.

  11. Welcome!! I have to ask..... are those really fried pickles and did you made them. If so, I heard they taste great, according to my kids.

    Yes those are fried pickles. I didn't make those, but I make ones that look just like them. Yummy yummy!! They are delicious!!

  12. Hi guys. I'm Jennifer, Kyle's (aka cool_breeze) girlfriend. I have to take care of our tank while he is gone for 13 weeks so he had me sign up so I can ask y'all questions if I have any problems. So I guess I will get to meet some of you next Sunday at our place. See you then! :D


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