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Everything posted by tropheusmaster

  1. My brother and I were discussing the wattage on my 180 gl setup. He thinks I need more wattage. and I have often felt that way too so I decided to ask all you experts. I currently have three 175 watt MH'S and two 130 watt power compact actinics for a grand total of 785 watts of lighting. He feels that I need a total of 1080 to meet the min requirments for a saltwater tank. So I felt there will be a lot of different veiws on this subject and wanted to hear everyones take on this subject. We were also discussing the amount of time to run the lights. I decided to have the MH's come on from 9am till 4 pm and the actinics come on at 7 or 8 am till 7 pm. I want to be able to enjoy my tank after I get home in the evening and I like it with actinics only running
  2. I have turbos they are very good, but they are big and will knock small stuff over, also the choclate chip star is not reef safe. if thats what you mean by a choco star?? hope this helps.
  3. ok its about 2:30 pm superbowl at 5 so I wont make it today. if you find it let me know i will set something up with you in the week if we make a deal.
  4. it does have a harness, but let me get my new one and make sure it comes with a harness with my new 1
  5. let me know how much? I have money will will pick up quickly.
  6. Hey mike i did not realize that was you i was talking to. i bought corals from you in salado. anyways let me know if you are interested.
  7. yeah i contacted them, and it is 65.00 plus parts but i decided not to go that route, it keeps blowing fuses. i checked everything on my lights and it is the ballast causing the problem. i did cut the pop rivets and opened the case looking for moisture but i did not touch nothing inside. make me an offer and it is yours. it was manufactured in 2003.
  8. I bought a used 72" setup with 3 MH and two 130watt each actinics and moon lights. I had to replace all bulbs at start. The MH's are 175 watt which no one sells but finally found some on ebay. (but i was told 150 watt will work as well) hardley no one sells 130 watt power compacts either except Dr Foster and Smith, then after I got all new bulbs installed I found that the ballast that controls the actinic power compacts was out. this ballast had no markings at all on it to try to replace it. and you can not contact the manufactuer. I had to buy a used icecap 660 ballast to run them then that ballast fried in 3 months. I still have not replaced the icecap. then the switch that controls the MH's broke and the unit is smelling like it is burning. oh yeah several moon lights went out too. Does anyone have a decent light at a decent price for a 180 gallon tank i prefer to stay away from the MH'S Thanks Kenny Temple, Texas
  9. if you add new clowns to that tank the battle will begain, if you added all to tank at same time then maybe.
  10. Welcome aboard glad to have you here. You can also join the killeen belton area reef club here. I have the same name in all the local reef clubs. http://www.scct.us/phpbb/index.php?sid=602...cd8cf8190fa7390
  11. I just watched part of a program on this very subject it was filmed at the new cowboys staduim construction. it says due to the salary cap and bonus it is hard to fire anyone without it costing tons of money so that prolly wont happen. there are several defense players that will be up or open for change but thats all. it says they will have to work with what they have and train better. Just what i heard today on TV
  12. Can you use a pump instead of a overflow box?
  13. Where do you live? I am in Temple. what is the depth? (front to back)
  14. well i guess i agree to some point on Romo, I have seen him shine in desperate situations. I guess we tend to overlook his good and kick him when he is down. he has done well in some cases breaking away from the sacks, but he has really slacked off lately. I just wish we could get back to the 70's and 80's cowboys again.
  15. i meant Jerry Jones!!!!! I saw Jimmy Johnson in another post and it stuck in my mind
  16. Hey Alex,,,, welcome here. I am kenny i live in Temple, I have a 180 gallon reef tank.
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