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Posts posted by sea_nacl_h2o

  1. LTA's don't reproduce asexually, they only reproduce sexually. If your LTA is 5 to 6 inches round, they get a lot bigger than that. Their disc gets about 18 or 20 inches accross maximum. My purple LTAs disc is 10" and it has a lot more growing to go. Please ...I beg you..do not attempt to cut your LTA in half..it will definitely die. The only anemones.. that I know of.. that reproduce asexually is btas, magnificas, and some haddoni(but this rarely happens with the haddoni).

    Here is a pic of my purple LTA with its pink skunk.


  2. That is what I will do ..lower the SG and make sure they are eating well. Hopefully the spots will go away... She doesn't rub against the rocks and breathing is normal.

    I took another picture of them today but you can barely see the white spots on her in the picture.


    I kinda figured the cleaner shrimp wouldn't clean her. I started to question myself when my husband asked me if we could put the cleaner shrimp in there. I don't think I've ever seen the cleaner shrimp clean my ocellaris.

  3. I don't understand ..why raise the tank temp? Do you mean 1.018 sg? How slowly should I lower the SG..its at 1.026 right now. SG is tested by a Refractometer. We mix up our change water at 1.026 because our other tanks have anemones in them. The Chrysopterus are the only fish in the 29 and there is no inverts in there...just live rock and sand.

  4. Ok ..sounds good to me. Maybe its showing up from the stress of shipping? I have started soaking their food in garlic yesterday to keep the males wounds from getting infected. This morning is when we noticed the female has white spots. She is eating well still, the male doesn't have any spots and eats well too. The female has a white tail and the juvenile male is the yellow tail. I fed them this morning and they gobbled up the food quick. This morning I soaked their food in kent Zoecon and garlic extreme. I can't get her out in the open to take a picture of her with the spots but here is pictures that I took yesterday.



  5. My New blue stripe clown ( A. Chrysopterus) I got a pair of them last friday. The Female one looks like it has ich. White spots all over it. Luckly I knew that these clowns are prone to get brook so I put them in my 29 gallon that I am using as a QT. I haven't put any medications in there yet. I won't if the skunk cleaner shrimp will clean my clown. If not I'll be looking for some formalin or some meds that will cure ich. This is the first time I have ever dealt with a fish disease. So help is very much needed..what do I do???

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