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Posts posted by nick

  1. I have just got done with a treatment for ich. We had a cole tang that had ick. You need to place the fish in the quarantine tank and follow the directions for on the bottle of copper. We used Organi cure we picked it up at Aqua Dome she said for a couple of bucks. Make sure to get a copper test. You can also try a cleaner wrasse but at the point you at at I would use the copper. Also try to keep the main tank about 80 it will cause the ich to hatch faster.

    I agree. Just got some new lights (6-54watt T5-HO) that actually warmed my tank to aprox. 78*-82*. Not only has it helped with the ich situation (practically gone) but also helped with the brown algee growing at the bottom of my tank.

  2. the copper should have directions on it. but in laymans terms treat the fish for several days after the last syptom has disapeared. this way you are sure the dissease is killed. it should take mabye 2 weeks at least? the bottle shold have directions on it.

    Will do. Wish me luck!

    Thanks for the info.


  3. it still could be ick. could come in on the lr. move your fish to a little hospital tank, 10 gal or somthing like that. and treat him there. this way you can use copper and not kill your invertabrets. 10 gal is 10$ at petsmart. copper i think is 3.99?

    So how long do I keep the fish in the seperate tank and how much copper to I use? Like you said, I too believe its 'Ich.'

    Thanks for the feedback.


  4. Just a reminder ... not sure what the tank is like, but copper can not be used in tanks with any invertebrates... it will kill them.

    The tank is fairly new and the temperature is somewhat constant (aprox. 73*). Have a nice small shrimp and a couple snails along with a few other criters as part of my clean up crew. The water quality is near perfect, given the fact the tank is fairly young, maybe only 6 weeks or so. There is roughly 75lbs of cured live rock (that came from an established tank). Also have a green mandarin goby and one other small fish that seem to be doing fine. Just a little history hoping it helps solve this mystery.

  5. Good Afternoon All,

    My fire saddleback clownfish has a bunch of these really small white dots (sugar like) on his body. Its caused his apitite and activity to really decrease. Does anybody know what this might be, and is there a cure?



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