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Posts posted by Microherder

  1. Hi everyone, my name is Kevin, and I showed up to the last two meetings. I've been lurking off and on for years though, and happy to be a participating, if not contributory member :) I've met Ty via another avenue and I've visited Patrick a couple of times at his coral ranch.

    I've had a 29 biocube setup for a few months, but its been running for a few years at my mother's house, and for an unknown amount of time with the previous owner. Due to some probable upcoming home renovation, I will probably move it back to her house and I will be just another future reefer once again for a bit.

    My interest came via FW Planted tanks, where I had a 75 set up for a few years and miscellaneous smaller ones for a few years before that. Right now, the 75 is a vivarium set up for dart frogs but frogless. I've also dabbled in hydroponics in the past.

    I've read about a dozen books on reef tanks (fond of Moe...), but have wanted to have the stability of space and finances to take the plunge. I'd prefer to set up a robust system once I do. For now, I've been considering dabbling in some DIY projects to get practice and maybe trade, and am leaning towards making some rock. Once I set up a system, I'm interested mainly in the diversity of life, especially the little critters, and macroalgaes. For corals, I lean toward the soft and colorful, and I think a clam would be cool. Not very interest in fish yet (except a mandarinfish), but I bet I will be once I get into it more.

    I had a devil of a time signing up for the forum; I thought it was an ad or script blocker, so I fiddled with that and then tried a diff browser. Turned out...mistaken assumption on the security question. Thought a human would review the answer to verify I was a human (as there was also already a captcha), so to 'What kind of fish is nemo?' I tried to be clever and said Oscellaris Pixari. Turns out, a computer has the final say on whether I'm human, and just wanted clownfish. So finally I am here, after being rejected as human a few times...sad.

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